Collecting Keys hosts Mike and Dan have always been driven by the importance of networking as a real estate investor. Well, this past week they put their words into action and attended a week-long Gobundance Millionaire conference.In this episode, you’ll hear about their experience and what they learned about being successful beyond just business. They talk about the positive impact of being around like-minded people, the stress of reaching that first level of millionaire status, the role your circle and values play in expanding your empire, and MORE.
Mike and Dan also share issues that occurred while they were away at this mastermind conference, as well as the problems they’ve been having lately with third-party providers. This leads to a discussion on the vulnerabilities of business and how to prepare for things to go wrong.
Even if you can’t attend one of these masterminds yet yourself, this episode will give you a look into what they have to offer. Tune in now!
Topics discussed in this episode:
Check out the FREE Collecting Keys “Sub To Transactions” Master Class!
If you’re an established investor with money to invest, but not the time, check out the Instant Investor PRO Program!
Check out the NEW Big Dan Energy shirt (and more!) in the Collecting Keys Merch Store:
Download the FREE 5-Step Guide To Generating Off Market Leads here:
If you are interested in learning from Dan and Mike to receive coaching and learn how they built their business, head to and see if you are a good fit for the mastermind group!
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