EP 79 – Why you should have a business plan for each property
Episode 79
This is the time of year that people start talking about the goals they want to accomplish in the new year and there’s usually a lot of talk around how to set goals. That’s not what we are talking about in today’s episode.
What we want to talk about is how to implement those goals, as in the pragmatic steps that need to be taken in order to make goals a reality.
In today’s episode, Dan Austin goes over his and Mike DeHaan’s plan to maximize their net property income for the new year as well as how they are building their plan by asking themselves 4 strategic questions: what is fixed and won’t change, are they maximizing their debt, are they maximizing their return on equity, and are they maximizing their cash flow.
You will hear a detailed breakdown of these questions and the answers Dan and Mike have come up with that can help you in creating your own plan.
Goals are amazing, only if they are achieved, and we want you to be successful in achieving them. So listen in for real strategies that work so you can stop dreaming and start doing!
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