On today’s Friday Focus episode, we will be discussing business partners. Do you need a business partner? Will having a business partner be beneficial or a hindrance to your company?
There is always a pull toward bringing on a business partner as your business starts to grow. People will see your success and want to join the party, especially people closest to you.
However, are the people closest to you really the best option to bring into your business on such an intimate level? If not, then how do you choose the right business partner?
Our host Mike DeHaan shares his knowledge on whether it is a good idea for you to bring on a business partner, the pros and cons of doing so, and the key to finding the right business partner.
Adding a business partner can be pivotal to your business, in a positive or negative sense. All it depends on is how strategic you are with when and how you bring them in.
Tune in to hear practical advice and tips on business partners and if it’s the right move for you!
Topics discussed in this episode:
Check out the FREE Collecting Keys “Sub To Transactions” Master Class!
If you’re an established investor with money to invest, but not the time, check out the Instant Investor PRO Program! https://collectingkeys.com/
Check out the Big Dan Energy shirt (and more!) in the Collecting Keys Merch Store: https://store.collectingkeys.com/
Download the FREE 5-Step Guide To Generating Off Market Leads here: https://collectingkeys.com/resources/
If you are interested in learning from Dan and Mike to receive coaching and learn how they built their business, head to https://collectingkeys.com/keyscon-2023/ and see if you are a good fit for the mastermind group!
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